Saturday, April 21, 2012

Gooooooooood Morniiiiiiiing Vietnam

As you can assume from the headline of this blog, yes I left Indonesia and travelled to Vietnam. After the last very long leg, I decided to copy that and add another even longer leg. 
This time the route took me to Vietnam, where I landed in the beautiful area of Hanoi (VVNB) Vietnams Capital City. Unfortunately in the middle of the leg, the HHG multiplayer server lost my VL-job and therefore the maximum points I could also not reach. Still I made quite a few points by just being online and flying and of course for the second half of the leg.
Approach and landing was again wonderful, this time especially since I landed morning local time and the sun was just set. A few clouds scattered around the area of Hanoi made the experience even more interesting. 
Enough said - just enjoy the pictures:


Off Australia

After a while and hopping short legs around Australia and South East Asia I decided to slightly accellerate my trip around the world. So in a day where I had a lot of time available I shortcircuited some of the destinations and flew directly from Whitsunday Coast (YBPN) to Indonesia again (WABB). The flight, around 1380 nm was quite long and the landing a little bit shaky. There is an interesting small hill directly in the final of the approach, so you want to fly slightly higher and choose a more steep glideslope :-)
Finally I made it and touched ground in Indonesia. All in all a very nice leg, quite long though, but the sceneries over the islands north of Australia are once more breathtaking.

Happy Landings, 

Thursday, April 12, 2012


Today I reached another level in FSX!

After going through the manual of the brand new PMDG-737NGX I tried to do a flight by myself on a route defined on my own. As I have the beautiful Switzerland scenerery add-on for FSX I chose a short hop from LSGG to LSZH. calculated a nice route between these destinations and provided the necessary input for the FMC. During setup of the route I struggled quite a bit since the connection between the last waypoint on the airway (in that case BERSU) and the ILS approach (I used rwy 14) has to be defined, finding the proper transition. After a few trials I still managed and afterwards was also able to setup the rest of the cockpit accordingly.
Basically I knew that this is quite a short leg and things need to be done quite quickly one after the other. To overcome that I had to pause the simulation about three times (what nice feature compared to the real life ;-). So I took of and managed to engage the autopilot as needed.  Everything was according plan, eventhough at some point I had to adjust the cruising altitude and during decent I had to engage the spoilers a little bit to reduce speed. 
At the end I somehow made it to Zurich, even using the NGX-autoland function. You cannot believe how great this feeling is. Of course the effect in this special case is multiplied since I did the same landing quite often as a passenger on board of a real aircraft so the scenery looked really familiar. Finally the autoland was perfect of course and I could stop the airplane and leave the rwy via regular taxiway.
Really fantastic!

I'm looking forward to the next experience with the 737 NGX, especially in conjunction with the use of HHG or even IVAO network.

Big smile from Zurich, 

DC-10 is back

After installing a brand new PC and reloading FSX I was recently able to re-install my previous FSX fleet including the Swissair-branded DC-10. Finally I could take my good old extended range super machine and do another leg on my trip around the world.
That one was quite short and lead from Rockhampton (YBRK) to Whitsunday Coast (YPBN) a little closer to the north. After about 30mins of time I could already intercept the localizer from Rwy 19 and with the guidance of ATC (finally working again ;-) touch ground.
All in all a nice flight into another wonderful morning at Australias East coast.

With that I'm looking forward to the next few legs in Australia before the trip leaves this continent towards Asia again.

Happy intercepting!

Monday, April 9, 2012

Easter Holiday in East Australia

I hope you had nice Easter Holiday!

In all these days I had shortly time to fly two legs. First route went from Tamworth (YSTW) to Brisbane (YBBN) using for the first time my new powerful machine. It was great flying everything with the virtual cockpit, again in the standard Boeing 737 from pacific airlines. Nevertheless it was fun and a good lesson to get familiar with the 3D cockpit and the arrangements of the buttons and displays. Flight went well and without incidents, again in the complete dark, but with a nice scenery in Sidney and of course Brisbane as well.

The second trip I did on Easter Monday. Unfortunately the automatic flight planner gave me again truly weird flight times, so after filing the schedule I got already -4 minutes delay! All trying out did not work so finally I flew "manually" without the help of ATC and/or bot and of course as a consequence without gaining any points for that. Anyway the flight was interesting because it lead from one Thunderstorm to another. The lightning effects and airplane shaking is quite realistic and at the end I was glad to touch ground again in Rockport (YBRK).

Best regards, 

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

FSX reborn

or: do you bring your FSX eperience to the next level
or: ...solution to the math term: FSX + i7 * 16 * 4096 + 27" + LT/3Dpro + CHX + 737NGX

Yesterday my birthday series continued (see also recent blog); I decided to buy a new PC with the latest hardware but within a reasonable budget. For the past almost 15 years I was evaluating new pc hardware and about all 4-5 years I buy a new pc. This time again it was fantastic to see what you actually get for the money. My first PC I bought was one of the compaq 386 series and it cost me around 4500 CHF. Yesterday I bought a system for about a third of that price, but including a 27" screen, the latest i7-processor, AMD Radeon graphic card HD7700 incl. 1024GB Mem, 128GB SSD HD, 2TB HDD, and 16GB RAM from Acer - G3 Predator series. I installed the power pack right away and loaded all important programs and addons including Scenery Switzerland and PMDG 737-NGX onto the SSD memory (which offers incredible fast access and amazing nice startup time). To interact with the FSX I recently changed my joystick to Logitech 3D pro version. 

I can tell you playing FSX on a 27" screen with such speedy machine, fantastic frame rates, no jerking at all and all parameters on 100% gives you a feeling of reality which is almost unbeatable. Just breathtaking.
I don't want to advertise for the hardware industry, but if you really want to go on a next level with flight simulation it is really well worth to invest a couple of hundred bucks in a new system. I can only recommend it.

My first experience by the way was the tutorial flight with the PMDG 737 NGX from London Gatwick EGKK to Amsterdam Shipol EHAM. Using FMC this nice plane allows you to almost automatically fly from A to B including the fantastic autoland function. So after take off you really tend to lean back and enjoy your trip (which is of course not the case as there's still a lot of buttons to change during a flight). Of course the next step will then be using radio and following ATC rules and guidelines. Also not speaking about emergency situations or e.g. bad weather conditions :-) But again - the challenge continues - you agree?  :-))

Have fun and enjoy your real and virtual life!

Sunday, April 1, 2012

Around Australia in 80 days?

Today I started again from Australia. I don't know if I'm gonna make it around Australia in less than 80 days, but for sure I could tick off two more legs and approx 300nm distance counterclockwise around Australia.

First leg very short with 125nm from Canberra to Sidney was like non-stop tuning and steering the airplane. For this leg I had around 35mins time. So you can imagine that from take-off into climb, reaching T/C and starting decent into approach phase and following ATC into final and touch-down there is no pause longer then 30secs where there isn't anything to do. However, thanks to the great help of the autopilot I also made this one a successful vl-flight. 

Unfortunately short after touch-down and taxiing back to holding point I crashed into a building. I used top-view sight (F12 on FSX) and I was not aware of that hangar building on the left. And you know that DC-10 is quite a large aircraft. So somehow I must have touched this building with my left wing which of course caused FSX to hold and put me back in the multiplayer lobby. Fortunately the HHG-server allows you to restart and spawn at the same position without losing vl or points (of course 50 points are gone because of the crash). So all I lost were some minutes for reloading - which I had according to the flight plan - when ATC gave clearance for the next leg and made me roll to holding point and line up. Again Murphy was on the plane as well, so due to a flock of birds blocking the runway I had to wait some minutes. I got more and more nervous because I knew that the next leg with again just 40 minutes (169nm) was very short and for such legs usually every minute counts. In addition to that I saw that the rwy heading was more or less exactly the opposite direction of my next destination Tamworth (YSTW). After some very very long minutes finally ATC came back and gave clearance for take off. As I had prepared everything for that I could just engage my three engines and make a quick start. Clock was against me, I saw that ETE and ETA from Flight plan were only a few minutes away from each other. Normally I try to have a delta of 20mins which allows you to follow ATC without rushing and with obeing all local rules. This time I had to fly extremely on the limit of what is usually allowed (things like max speed of 250kt below FL100 etc.). Finally I was lucky and I rushed onto the runway in the very last moment. Bot gave the full points including 50% ATC bonus. Fortunately again this was my last leg for this day so I was glad to cancel the remaining flight plan and not having to fly behind schedule :-)