Monday, February 27, 2012

Welcome Malaysia and Singapore

Today three more the short kind of legs carried my way more into southeast asia. Starting from Phuket (VTSP) - in deepest dark night - Penang (WMKP) was the next waypoint. Steep ascent and a cruise altitude of FL250 were good to make the flight economical. 

Second leg from Penang to Kuala Lumpur (WMKK) was also quite short. Once again I was struggling a little bit to bring the big DC-10ER lady down to almost sealevel again. Fortunately ATC brought me on a rwy with ILS so while flying into the glideslope I could concentrate on the descent flight from FL100 to the ILS crossing altitude of 4000ft. 

After a very short stopover last leg brought me to Singapore (WSSS) where rwy 20center was my target. Here again ILS was of great help, especially since Singapore was under a thick layer of fog, only about 4-5nm close to the rwy landing lights came out of the clouds. Finally a smooth landing ended today's journey.

Penang at Night 
Established (more or less ;-) on ILS

Touch down - makes the night to day :)

Start from Penang

Turning into path to Kuala Lumpur

Welcome Kuala

Approach in Singapore - by night and fog

Finally rwy in sight

Final on Rwy 20c in WSSS

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