Wednesday, February 29, 2012

DC-10 goes Java

"This is Soekarno-Hatta tower, welcome back on the ground hotel bravo charlie india mike (HB-CIM), you can leave now taxi way at your earliest convenience."

What nice words are welcoming our crew on Java ground. Still in the middle of the night, but with promising slightly light stripe just over the horizon indicating the morning hours, I touched ground after a two leg hop from Singapore (WSSS) via Palembang (WIPP) to Jakarta Airport (WIII). Flights in general were good even though ATC played again a little on-and-off yesterday. Also some troubles taxiing around and missing the taxiway, causing a crash in the middle of the acre, could not disencourage the continueing of the journey (hmmm - it cost me 50 points at HHG server...). Stars shining bright on the way and with tens of nice islands in the sea, the scenery is surely enjoyable. A recommended area for vacation and leisure trips.

So the next few legs will bring me via Timor finally to Australia, where I hope that more flights can be made during daylight to enjoy the wonderful sceneries in FSX.

Keep on watching and happy landings!

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