Thursday, February 23, 2012

First experiences

Currently I'm sitting in Dhaka, Bangladesh.

So far I've made quite interesting experiences on my trip that originally started in Zurich, Switzerland (LSZH). The first part of the journey lead me via Germany, Frankfurt, Netherlands, Great Britain incl. Ireland, Scotland via Bergen to Scandinavia. Then via Eastern Europe touching the Mediterannean in Greece, Turkey, Cyprus and leaving the continent of Europe towards Middle East. Stopovers in Sharm-El-Sheik, Medina, Riadh and then some hopping around Qatar, Bahrain, Dubai and Abu Dhabi. Further via Pakistan to India all the way down to the South with a weekend in Male and then back via Sri Lanka. Recently flown all the way up again via Bangalore, Chennai and interesting landings in Jabalpul, then via Dehli, and finally via Katmandu and Dhaka to where I am.

Top Experiences so far:

- Sunset at Bergen / Norway (ENBR)
- Steep approach in Sarajevo LQSA over the hills, by night of course
- Nice scenery in Dubai with Burj Dubai Hotel (OMDB)
- High sink rate approach in Colombo (from FL330 down to 4000ft in few minutes - thank god its only a simulation :)
- Landing at Jabalpur India VAJB at night without any Navaid and without runway lights - but I made it :-)

More to come soon.

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