Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Groupflight Alaska to Canada

Today I planned to make a VL trip together with mv47. We both started our flights at Wrangell PAWG and headed directly to Vancouver. Again I decided to shortcut my original route a little bit and therefore I left out two intermediate airports. Start was ok, even though I had some difficulties to take off. Unfortunately after about 15 mins both myself and mv47 we lost connection to the host. Apparently somebody decided to restart the server and threw us out. Immediately after restart we decided to start somewhere inbetween the leg approximatly around the place where we dissapeared. So Bella Coola was the next starting point. That should also not be easy. For those of you who are familiar with the geography around this small airport you know what I mean, for all the others I suggest that you once take your aircraft there and have a look at it. Basically it is a small airport surrounded by highrise mountains. So you better start with a almost empty tank, as less passengers as possible and then with a parkbrake full throttle high climb rate start out of the valley. Ultimately that is what we did and finally we managed to get out of the rims on a safe altitude. 
The rest of the leg was more or less sightseeing around Victoria Island and finally Vancouver. Bot  /ATC gave clearance for Rwy 26, downwind was more or less above downtown Vancouver. At the end a grouppicture concluded todays trip.
Thanks a lot to mv47 for all the fun we had - is very worth to be repeated soon again!

Happy Landings, 

Restart in Bella Coola

mv47 in action

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